Weekly update 4/23
On Tuesday, January 24, the repackaging of the food from crates into boxes was successful. At least 25 people came to help, it was another fun happening. After lunch everyone went home satisfied. The empty crates could be returned to their rightful owner in the afternoon. Thanks to this action we can send a nice batch of valuable food to Romania and Ukraine!
Wednesday 25 January turned out to be a busy day with collection jobs, repacking work and after lunch loading a truck with destination Marghita. It's nice to see that so many people want to contribute to make this a success every time.
Saturday morning the cargo was unloaded in Marghita. The truck is immediately loaded with potatoes and vegetables for Botosani from where most of it goes into the Ukraine.
Via Cristi from Botosani I again received a whole series of photos and videos from Igor from Ukraine. From the soup kitchen that we support, but also from distributing food from Broek op Langedijk that goes further afield into the Ukraine. We have been able to contribute to buying meat thanks to sponsors. It's all just a little different there than at our butcher in our shopping center. Smoking the meat is a good way to preserve it. Watching the videos is worth it. I would rather send other images around but unfortunately this is the harsh reality of the moment.
Recently we received a huge batch of pancake flour. This has really become a success, you can make all kinds of dishes with it. For example, Viorel from Deaj bakes bread from it, he mixes it with some regular flour. This makes the bread taste slightly sweeter but is of excellent quality. So many poor people get free bread.
The same Viorel sent us pictures of huts where people live in Haranglab, a villagethat lacks any form of prosperity. He wants to help the worst cases by building simple houses of 4 x 4 m. A concrete floor, walls of aerated concrete blocks, a roof of corrugated iron, a door and a window. Together with a heater it is then at least dry and they can keep the rats out. It concerns six houses and per house excluding stove it costs € 3,300. A French organization does three including stove. Viorel is going to work on this himself, together with other people from Deaj and people from Haranglab. To us the question can you also help?
The "regular" work of Elena and Viorel has also continued. I don't think the images need any explanation.
Here is the link to photos.From Breaza we received a photo album of the unloading of the last truck brought there and its distribution. A bakery in Breaza bakes bread from the flour from the farm in Marghita. Henk Muller also received a portion this time.
In October 2012 we brought a demountable school building from Almelo to Getz. Quite an operation and it is therefore nice to see that 10 years later children still have a chance for a better future.
The after-school care is a success, primary school children in Romania immediately receive a lot of homework. Without support from home, they quickly fall behind. A problem especially for the children from the gypsy quarter. Now they get help and also something to eat, the school results are now a lot better.
Here is the link to photos from that time.
Here's the link to photos from now.
Reghina from Ticau also sent photos and videos of her distribution actions.
Henk Muller from Band has not stopped, unbelievable what he is doing. It is not easy, but it is very meaningful for the people involved.
Next Wednesday we will load for Breaza, I expect there will be pick-up jobs again.
On Wednesday at nine o'clock we will receive a visit from the general manager of Rabobank Noord Holland Noord. Together with Gerrit Beetsma account manager at the bank, Gerrit is no stranger to our foundation. Together they bring good news, I expect.
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