Weekly update 3/23

Last week I wrote that no truck came to load, fortunately that has been very different this past week.

On Tuesday, January 17, a Polish truck came to load, the goods had Ukraine as their final destination, this to projects of the HIRF foundation from Weesp. They go there via a transfer point in Warsaw. 5 pallets of cake and 10 pallets of flour were loaded in Broek op Langedijk, after which the truck left for Weesp, where it was loaded with other relief goods.

Here is the link to photos.

On Wednesday morning, January 18, a truck came to load for Botosani with a stopover in Ticau near Reghina. We were able to load the truck with very necessary and useful relief supplies, really unbelievable that all this comes our way. The truck was full by lunchtime.

Here is the link to photos.

After lunch the second truck came to load with destination Breaza. This too was filled with many beautiful and diverse goods that end up in Romania in places where they can use it very well.

Here is the link to photos.

So the volunteers had a busy day, there were also some collection jobs, this also worked out well. There is some space in our storage again.

Friday afternoon the truck was unloaded in Ticau, Reghina was happy with it and can continue distributing it to the many poor people in her area.

Here is the link to photos.

The rest was unloaded in Botosani on Saturday, Cristi was very enthusiastic that we manage to do this every time. Igor from Ukraine immediately came to pick up a full van. How do things keep going in Ukraine and under what conditions do people live? In this bizarrely violent war, this is not easy to understand.

Here is the link to photos.

Good to see that “our” soup kitchen in Chernivtsi is functioning well. I have a lot of respect for the people who get this done every day. We support them as best we can.

The truck with destination Breaza will unload there on Monday.

We were fortunate that in a number of cases we were able to help financially to enable aid workers to buy additional food.

Toth Attila from Peris sent some pictures of it.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller from Band is super active again, building houses, making mincemeat rolls, handing out food, he just keeps going. We are happy that we can support him with this. The why is shown again in the photo album below with explanation from Henk.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk would like a few tons of seed potatoes again, there is a growing demand for them. Useful to work on this in my opinion.

Last Saturday we were able to pick up food in Utrecht completely unexpectedly, via a partner from our network. A nice batch of 400 crates of valuable foodstuffs.

Viorel and Elena from Deaj also sent their message, Viorel has been ill.

Here is the link to photos.

The crates must be emptied and returned to the owner. Next Tuesday, January 24, we want to get this job done. It would be nice if some of our volunteers could help out for special occasions.

If you can make time for that, please send a message to info@stichtingpromotie.nl.

Next Wednesday a truck will load with destination Marghita. There are also enough people in that region who can use help. Once the truck has been unloaded, it immediately starts loading potatoes and vegetables from the farm and on to the depot in Botosani. From there, most of this batch goes to the Ukraine.


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