Weekly update 1/23

Monday 2 January there was an opportunity in the Allemanskerk to say goodbye to Nin de Vries for the last time. It was done in a loving and dignified way, we will miss him but not forget him.

Tuesday 3 January there was a big collection job of beautiful, usable products. On Wednesday, January 4, a truck was supposed to load, but due to a setback, the driver did not arrive until the beginning of the evening. There were plenty of other useful jobs for us to do.

With a small group we loaded the truck in just under two hours on Thursday. It was a brand new trailer loading for the first time. It was also special that the trailer went on the train in Köln and then goes from Arad to Botosani with another tractor in front of it. It has become a very nice cargo, much of the cargo will eventually go to Ukraine.

Here is the link to pictures of the loading.

On Friday there was another collection job in the middle of the country, so we didn't sit still.

Via Cristi I received photos of the distribution in the soup kitchen in Chernivtsi, good to see that this continues every day. Igor has also forwarded food items to the front line. In the last two cutscenes you can hear bombs falling and they drive between tanks 6 kilometers from the front. A Christmas dinner in a trench how bad do you want it.

Here is the link to photos

Reghina from Ticau was able to make many people happy with food again, with the help of the Emeth foundation. Reghina also sent a thank you letter.

Here is the link to photos.

Here is the link to the letter.

Pieter Nagel from Minis sent a lot of pictures of the distribution of the packages with an explanation.

Here is the link to photos.

Although Henk Muller is enjoying a week's holiday with his family, he still sent some photos.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola sent pictures of Józsi and his team about the ins and outs of the children's soup kitchen in Tirgu Mures.

Here is the link to photos.

Józsi himself a report on his work. All impressive, it's great that we can contribute to the activities of this special man. How much there is still much for us to do.

Here is the link to this report.

There are also new posts on Imola's blog.


Virorel and Elena from Deaj work hard to help others, bread could be baked and
distributed again. The homeless in Tirgu Mures also had a meal. The school was also in use again, many happy children.

Here is the link to photos.

Friday 13 January we will hold our New Year's reception in the fire station, all volunteers, sponsors and sympathizers are very welcome. We look back at the many events in 2022 and forward to 2023. A great opportunity to meet.

Tuesday 10 January there is a big collection job and Wednesday 11 January we will load for Breaza.


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