Weekly update 47/22

And again a week full of events is behind us. Tuesday we immediately had a pick-up job in Alkmaar that we were busy with. It was unclear if a trailer would come to load Wednesday. However, Tuesday afternoon he was already at the door.

Wednesday we were able to load this truck with destination Marghita and Floresti. Loading went smoothly, the two pick-up teams also arrived on time.

Here is the link to photos.

Friday was unloaded in Marghita, the packages for Getz and Salard are unloaded. Attila sent a few pictures of it. After that he went to Marien Kroon in Floresti to unload.

Here are the few pictures of Attila.

Here the link to photo's from Marien

On Thursday truck number two came to load, we started this job at 1:00 PM with a small group. It all went smoothly and without any problems, we loaded the packages for Pieter Nagel from Minis, the same for Reghina from Ticau and those for Cristi in Botosani.

Loading photos

Meanwhile, someone from our network called if we wanted to help with a food campaign. It involved repacking work that had to be done quickly.

Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, 20 volunteers came to help with the result that we have a nice batch of food available for our projects in Romania and the Ukraine.

The truck that we loaded on Thursday will arrive at the first unloaded address on Monday.

Cristi from Botosani finds it very difficult to maintain contact with Igor from Ukraine. The power went out, just like the mobile network. The soup kitchen in the tent on a square for 2,000 people is in trouble, no electricity and to make matters worse, the tent is badly damaged by snow and strong wind. The latest news about this is that they are going to place containers on the square to provide meals from there. It's cold and it's snowing, how should it all be this winter?? We can help through Cristi but it is logistically very difficult now in Ukraine. Igor is also busy with a soup kitchen project in Kherson, the newly recaptured town where nothing is functioning properly. There are now bombings every day. The people are resilient, but how can you survive in a city without electricity, running water and little or no food when it is twenty degrees below freezing is a mystery to me.

We will do everything we can to help as much as possible and use our possibilities to the fullest.

Here the link to photos, the last of the tent.

Ronald Wolthuis of Phoneo shared a video of his activities in Ukraine. There is a transport on its way to Kherson that Ronald is going to distribute through his network there. Phoneo's small trucks have also departed from Reghin with relief supplies. These emergency workers do important work, it is not without risks. It is worth watching the videos.

Here is the link to three very current videos.

Henk Muller again sent interesting photos with an explanation. Henk has received more than 500 packages to distribute. The people are very happy with it, he wrote that the people are hungry. Be sure to read the text in the last part of the photo album!

Here is the link to photos.

Imola sent pictures of the truck unloaded there in the rain last Monday and the
distribution of the packages. Together with Gerard-Jan and Miranda Schuur they visited projects that we support.

Here is the link to photos.

Gerard-Jan and Miranda have supplemented their visual story of their journey.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel from Deaj again sent beautiful pictures to see how they are committed to their fellow man. Finally, there is a nice video in the album.

Here is the link to photos.

Next Wednesday we will load the last packages plus all kinds of extra things for Breaza.


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