Weekly update 45/22
We can safely say that we have had a very busy week full of special events.
Tuesday 8 November we started cleaning up and preparing stuff for the truck that we would unload and load that day, expected arrival time 11 am. Furthermore, preparing and setting up the goods and setting up the roller conveyor for packing the packages. Unfortunately, the truck didn't arrive until 3:30 pm, we immediately started unloading the stuff for the Christmas packages. Beautiful products well fitting in a package.
We then started loading with a small team, quite a big job and we had to work overtime to get it ready. At 7 pm the trailer was full and the pizza sprint came, the driver also ate a pizza and at 7:30 pm he started the journey to Marghita.
Here the link to the pictures of the loading and unloading.
Wednesday we still had half a day of work. Counting the products, putting everything in its place and determining the order. We were concerned that the last 1.000 of the packs would not fill up completely. An “emergency call” within our network helped, we received ten more pallets with products to also get these packages properly filled. Nice to see that this works.
On Thursday the packing started, unbelievable but true, almost 100 people came to help. Some with experience but also newcomers, the youngest participant was 22 and the oldest were 80+. Jan Valk, the founder of St. Promotion, was in charge, everything went very smoothly and it went fast. Thanks to our catering team, there was coffee, tea, biscuits, sandwiches, soup and fruit, etc. The atmosphere was relaxed and there was plenty of time to chat. The end result was the record number of 3.000 packages.On Friday November 11, almost 100 people came again, many of the same but also others. Another very mixed group. For example, members of motorcycle club Promotie from Zaandijk, former employees of a very good bank and people who live in the asylum seekers' center in Heerhugowaard. Under the inspiring leadership of Jan Valk, MC Promotion is the most active motorcycle club in the Netherlands. Here is the link to the website www.mcpromotie.nl.
The 1.500 packages were ready at about 12 noon, after a well-maintained and enjoyable lunch, we had to clean up and finish. There are 4.500 packages ready for shipment, the first shipment will go to Romania next Wednesday.
Thank you very much to everyone who contributed.
The truck that came to load and unload last Tuesday was back in Marghita on Thursday to unload the relief supplies from Broek op Langedijk. Then Attila immediately loaded him with food from the Penny Market and cabbage, potatoes, carrots and onions from the farm. This truckload was unloaded on Saturday at Cristi's depot in Botosani. Our friend Igor was there with his VAN from Ukraine to pick up the first part. The Chernivtsi soup kitchen is having problems with their food supply. This transport came at exactly the right time, for example, there was a demand for white cabbage, 8,000 kilos are now in Botosani. Part of which is already in Ukraine!
Here the link to pictures of Attila.
Here the link to photos of Cristi.
Henk Muller from Band is very active in this town, especially where the poor people who live in the gypsy neighborhoods there. Almost daily he sends photos with an explanation of what he does. Things happen there that we don't think possible here, nice to share. Without Henk and the people around him, this help would not be provided.
Reghina from Ticau again sent pictures of the distribution of things.
Last Monday another truck with relief supplies was unloaded in Breaza, Csaba and Imola are busy distributing them. By now there are quite a lot of organizations that collect the goods we bring there for further distribution. Most of them would like to do more than is possible for them. Poverty never gets used is a well-known expression, assistance to these people is good and beautiful, you have to be able to handle it mentally.
Imola has posted a new message on her blog.
Viorel and Elena from Deaj also sent pictures of their beautiful work. You shouldn't even think about being homeless. Good that this center is there and people like Viorel provide food.
On Wednesday we will load for Breaza, the first packages will go to Romania together with other relief supplies.
Thanks again everyone for the help.
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