Weekly update 44/22

The past week was dominated by the preparations to make the 4,500 Christmas packages on November 10 and 11.

A large part of the food that goes in the packages comes from Romania, the price difference with the Netherlands made this attractive. The second half of this purchase is now on its way to Broek op Langedijk and will arrive just in time. So outside the normal routine and that gives some extra tension about how this turns out. Together with the current stock it will be a nice package. The boxes must be full, so if it looks like there is still a hole left. There may be some extras coming in, we'll have to wait and see.

Here is the link to photos.

Cristi from Botosani sent a whole series of photos of the distribution of the relief goods we brought in Ukraine and Romania.

Here is the link to photos.   

Next Thursday and Friday we will make the packages. The catering is already busy preparing. Coffee, tea, biscuits, sandwiches, soup, various drinks, everything is available again. We try to make this useful work as pleasant as possible.

It is no surprise that especially now these food packages are important. Many people have been hit hard by Putin's and his cronies' drive to occupy Ukraine. The misery this causes is indescribable.

Fortunately, there are many small and large organizations that, just like us, try to help these people. The Veenstra family from Weesp of the HRIF foundation really do an incredible amount. It amazes me every time that so much help can be offered through the network of the HRIF foundation. Max Veenstra sent us a newsletter about their work that I am happy to share.

Here is the link to this newsletter.

Wednesday we were able to load a truck with destination Breaza and there were pick-up and clean-up jobs. This went well, it turned out to be a nice load of relief supplies and we managed to create some space in our storage. Afterwards we made it a pleasant afternoon, this under the motto the arch cannot always be tense. They will unload the truck in Breaza on Monday morning.

Here is the link to the photos.

Toth Attila from Peris has bad luck with his special pig farm. African swine fever has been diagnosed at a small pig farmer in a nearby village. This disease is very contagious, a transport ban was immediately imposed, just like other controls. There is no swine fever on Attila's farm yet. Selling pigs is impossible because of the transport ban. At this time of year, that's really bad. It is also a disaster for other small pig farmers, they simply cannot miss the income they generate with this.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola from Breaza shared photos of the unloading of the previous truck and its distribution. The images speak for themselves in my opinion.

Here is the link to photos.

Recently Pieter Nagel was able to collect potatoes and vegetables from the farm in Marghita, together with a batch of the apples we brought. This for his food programs, he messaged about it.

Here is the link to a few photos and this message.

Henk Muller from Band is also always working hard to help others, luckily we can help financially to get the houses of a number of people watertight. Provided with a concrete floor, another door and a better stove. The energy label will still be low, but for these people it is a significant improvement. Henk's story, as always, gives a nice insight into the lives of the people in his environment.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau has also been building again.

Here is the link to photos.

Virorel and Elena from Deaj have rolled up their sleeves again. The oven has been lit to bake bread, provide a meal in the homeless center of Tirgu Mures and have been busy with the school in Deaj. Very beautiful and useful work. It seems that more and more people are coming to eat in the center. Be sure to play the video at the bottom right of the album!

Here is the link to photos.

Then next week:

Tuesday we will unload the truck from Romania with the articles for the packages. We will load these with relief supplies that will go to Marghita. We are going to prepare as much as possible for the packages action.

We will finish this on Wednesday.

On Thursday and Friday the helpers will come to make the packages, luckily there are already quite a few registrations but more can be added.


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