Weekly update 38/22

Another week has flown by. The number of requests for help from Romania and the Ukraine is growing rapidly. With winter approaching and the bizarre war in Ukraine, the lives of millions of people are in turmoil.

It has now become a long-standing tradition for the Promotion Foundation to celebrate Christmas and Easter to make about 4.500 packages for the poorest part of the population there. Demand is greater than ever for understandable reasons, we are not shying away from the challenge. Due to the enormous price increases, the exact implementation is still a puzzle. It's a shame that manufacturers can make less excess inventory available. We are only a relatively small party in this “market” and we have to deal with many other organizations with the same interest in these goods.

The new building in Botosani is making good progress, the installation of fire detectors is now also ready. After the construction comes the phase of final permits, it is still an enormous paperwork that Cristi has to deal with.

Here is the link to a few photos.

The truck with relief supplies that arrived in Marghita last Saturday has now been distributed. Attila has just rolled up his sleeves.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Henk Muller from Band is always busy with vegetables and potatoes. He encourages the people around him to sow and plant to become a little self-sufficient. Some of the results are shown in the photo album below.

Here's the link to some pictures

On Wednesday September 23, quite a few volunteers came to help load a truck and to do pick-up and clean-up jobs. Another beautiful and varied shipment of relief supplies went to Breaza. The input is also still good, especially from clothing and furniture for example. Unfortunately, the share of foodstuffs is lagging behind. This year we have already shipped 38 trucks of relief supplies from Broek op Langedijk. The truck nr 38 arrived in Breaza on Friday evening and was unloaded there on Saturday morning.

Here the link to pictures of loading and unloading.

In Breaza they have found a bakery that will bake bread from the flour from the farm in Marghita. Viorel from Deaj is also busy baking with flour from the farm. Due to the high energy prices, baking is also expensive there, luckily we can help in this way. Bread is and will remain an important basic food there too.

Here is the link to a few photos.

Elena from Urmenis is busy providing help, this from her profession as a social worker but especially from her heart to help others. The family that lives in a caravan has been described here before. A solution is in sight, the municipality is making available a piece of land in a kind of leasehold construction. This is close to where the man's father also lives. A brother of Toth Attila owns a construction company and has made an offer for a well-insulated stone house of 6 x 5 m. Elena, Csaba and Imola coordinate the whole process. Building prices are also skyrocketing in Romania, so a decent house is not really cheap. Good that we can help, especially for the children.

This summer we were at the caravan to see this impossible situation, an elderly neighbor came to tell us that they were such nice people and that they deserve a better fate. A good sign, they often prefer to see such neighbors run away. The father does not have a top job as a shepherd but is at least at work. This is a very bad situation for the children, if they succeed with the house they can go to school there etc..

Here is the link to photos with explanation.

Another special situation has arisen in the village with the arrival of a number of people. In the photo album the incredible story about this. The mother of the family has rather masculine traits.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau can also have some roofs repaired, thanks to the joint efforts of St. Emeth and St. Promotion. Sitting in a shabby hut in the winter whose roof is still leaking is not a pleasant prospect. Good that Reghina is going to fix this.

In Peris with Toth Attila there are always activities, with his infectious enthusiasm he knows how to get many things done.

Here is the link to photos.

In Deaj, Viorel is busy baking bread with the flour from the farm. He regularly provides the homeless in Tirgu Mures with a meal in their shelter. He wrote that it has been a beautiful week, thanks to people from France he was also able to have a number of heaters placed.

Here is the link to photos.

To create space in our storage, we will load two trailers next Wednesday. One goes to Botosani with a partial load for the Ukraine and another trailer to Toth Attila in Peris.


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