Weekly update 30/22

Monday 25 July we visited Jozsi Mucui from Asociatia Ichtys. Jozsi runs a soup kitchen in Tirgu Mures, among other things, for children who live there in the Velea Rece district. Thanks to the efforts of Henk Muller and Viorel, we were able to waterproof the roofs of quite a few huts in this district a few years ago. Aid supplies also go here through Henk and Viorel, the living conditions in this district are not decent.

Growing up in this neighborhood, Jozsi has been running this soup kitchen for seventeen years, providing about 200 children with a meal every day. They come to the gate with a pan or something similar, they hand it in and get it back filled with a meal. Some run with it “home” and others eat it on the spot. You have to see it to believe that this is still necessary in our EU in 2022. Jozsi receives support from the ORA foundation from Austria for this.

Here is the link to the ORA website.

Until recently, he also ensured that about thirty children were washed and given clean clothes every day. Due to the increased energy prices, this is more successful, he can just run the kitchen within budget. He is also happy with the food that comes to him through Imola and Csaba, as well as with the potatoes and vegetables from the farm. Everything helps, because more and more elderly people are knocking on the door with a pan.

It is not uncommon for girls to have children at a very young age, the population is growing rapidly. Jozsi has a piece of land and would like to realize a building on it to be able to do more for the community.

The album also contains photos of an annual report that we received. This also shows that our work is still necessary.

Here is the link to the photo album.

In addition to the raging inflation and the problems in their neighboring country Ukraine, the persistent dry and (too) warm weather with temperatures between 35 °C and 40 °C causes additional problems. In the cities the temperature is even higher and in the old apartment buildings it is unbearable. This is especially the case for elderly people who are not mobile. Due to the drying up of drinking water basins, the drinking water supply in many cities is a problem and water no longer comes out of the tap. It is also much too hot for the cattle and there is little to eat in the dried out fields.

Tuesday evening, July 26, we were back home, a trip to remember and a lot to think about.

Wednesday 28 July we were collecting goods with three trucks and clearing the shed. Friday Nico and Clement went out again. Our stock is back to normal and next Wednesday we will load a trailer of relief supplies. This one goes to Breaza.

Cristi from Botosani, meanwhile, continues to send vans with mostly food to the Ukraine. Everything from the Vomar is now at its destination. The last two vans went to places close to the front line.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau sent pictures of her work, good to see.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller from Band has to think about his health and takes it easy with this warm weather. He sent a message of someone's death from the heat. See the photo album below

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel also sent pictures of the activities in Deaj again.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila experiences all kinds of beautiful, but also nasty things during his work. The album below gives a picture of the events in a week.

Here is the link to photos.

The print for a pavement tile about the work of our foundation that will be placed somewhere on a footpath in the municipality of Dijk en Waard is ready. I think it arouses curiosity and that's exactly the point. After scanning the QR code, a movie will appear.

Here is the link to the image.


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