Weekly update 23/22

It doesn't look like the war in Ukraine is coming to an end anytime soon. The most horrible things happen and tens of thousands of people are injured or killed. Millions of people have fled the violence of war, all thanks to Vladimir Putin's delusions, it is and remains unimaginable.

Ronald Wolthuis of the Phoneo foundation from Reghin sent a few videos of aid transports that he was able to organize. It also gives an impression of what is going on there.

Here is the link to these videos.

The HiRF Foundation helps where possible mainly through the extensive network of churches. Max also sent a video of how it works there.

Here is the link to the video.

Jan Pilkes of the Caritas Ukraine-Holland Foundation sends truckloads full of relief supplies to the Ukraine every week. Due to his many years of cooperation with Charitas in this country, he knows the possibilities and impossibilities of this moment. On Tuesday they will load a trailer with relief supplies that will go to Nowa Odessa, the hospital there is desperate for beds because of the many injured people from Mykolayiv. Jan will pick up ten hospital beds from our stock on Monday to get the cargo complete.

Cristi is doing what he can to meet the demand of his now many contacts in Ukraine. Soon we will send new stock to him again.


Family with 13 children, but only 6 were home. The rest were at school. They received some from your gift

They have to recover from last week's special delivery, it was all very surprising. The children who live in Casa Ioana don't eat their normal food now either, they love it. See also last week's extra message.

On Wednesday there were enough pick-up and clean-up jobs and on Thursday we loaded a refrigerated trailer with a small group with the latest refrigerated products from the PLMA. This truck goes to Breaza and from there to many poor people in the region, also to centers for refugees from Ukraine.

Here the link to pictures of the loading.

Henk Muller sent photos from the village of Band of his activities.

Here is the link to photos.

Viorel in Deaj is also doing well, nice to see.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina in Ticau is always busy helping the people around her.

Here is the link to photos.

Gerard-Jan and Miranda Schuur are going to visit family. They tour an important part of the projects we support in Romania. Almost daily they send pictures of the people and places they visit. The journey is not boring in my opinion.

Here is the link to the photos.

There will be some work next week, but no truck will be loaded.

A new update of the blog will be released in 14 days, the author will be riding for 6 days in Europe from next Tuesday. This time for a large part in France where many mountain passes are waiting for us. The organizer of this beautiful ride, of almost three thousand kilometers long, is Jan Valk. Seven days in a row, fifty participants start this tour, for the real motorcycle enthusiast this ride is a must.


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