Weekly update 17/22

In the past week, no truck was loaded in Broek op Langedijk. Our stock was replenished on Thursday with a nice batch of food and we received a promise from the Manna Foundation that we can pick up a batch of potatoes and onions. Next Wednesday we will load again, the truck goes to Breaza and first makes a stopover in Marghita.

The terrible war in Ukraine is still in full swing and no one can predict when and how it will end. The number of victims runs into the thousands and millions of people have their lives turned upside down.

Together with a number of our contacts in Romania, we are able to provide assistance on a large scale to the refugees from the Ukraine and the many thousands of displaced persons in the Ukraine.

From the depot in Botosani, vans come and go to collect goods to bring them into the Ukraine. Cristi sent pictures of it again. It is impressive and the images are sometimes shocking.

Here is the link to photos.

Ronald Wolthuis of St. Phoneo has transported the batch of potatoes and carrots from Marghita to Ternopil along with other relief supplies. You can read more about this in the photo album. Ronald told me that he sees fewer vans and trucks with relief supplies on the way. This is a bad sign for the people of Ukraine. In the coming week, he wants to move aid supplies even further towards the front line. In a short time he made contact with many people and saw with his own eyes where help is needed. The support he receives from the GAiN foundation is important to Ronald and his people.

Here is the link to photos.

The potatoes, onions and carrots project organized by Attila will be continued. The next load will go from the farm next Wednesday to the aid project supported by Max Veenstra for the Ukraine in Hameu near Satu Mare. Attila was also able to arrange another truckload for Ronald Wolthuis, which will go to Ronald's depot in Iacobești during the week. This is near the Romania/Ukraine Siret border post. Another truckload goes to Cristi's depot in Botosani, also near Siret. A total of 42 tons of potatoes, 12 tons of carrots and 12 tons of onions, sponsors thank you very much for making this possible, this really helps.

Max Veenstra sent a series of photos of a food campaign he organized together with his local partners in the city of Kharkov. A city that has come under fire before. Kharkiv or Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine. The city is located in the northeast of the country and has approximately 1.4 million inhabitants. The city is one of the most important cultural, industrial and university centers of the country. The news on Saturday showed that rockets had landed again in a residential area. Also from people in long lines at a food distribution point.

Here is the link to photos.

The images and stories clearly show that we must not slacken and must continue to send food. Our people on site can then continue to offer help. It is just very necessary now.

Reghina also sent some photos of her work with children.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila from Peris has received a new boy in his shelter. Another family lives there now from Ukraine.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller was admitted to a hospital last Saturday with pneumonia, he has now returned home but still has to recover. Viorel from Deaj has not been sitting still in the meantime. Henk helped send the photos taken by Viorel. The baking of bread from the bread mix sent by us is still going on. We don't have any bread mix at the moment, but we do have a large batch of bake-off rolls on Wednesday we will load these and part of it will go to Deaj.

Here is the link to photos.

Imola from Breaza has posted a new message on her blog.


So on Wednesday we are going to load a truck and there are pick-up jobs. Food is and remains the most important at the moment, does anyone have a tip or an idea, come up with it.


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