Weekly update 13/22

Tuesday 29 March we started preparing for the production of the Eastern packages. Our storage was still quite full with existing stock, luckily we were allowed to temporarily use the neighbour’s building to store this stock there. The transfer was still in progress when the first truck with food from the Spar from Waalwijk arrived. Shortly afterwards, the Dozenhal from Ermelo brought the empty boxes and the second truck from the Spar brought the rest. The timing was perfect, Jan Valk had once again thought out where the items could best be stored, etc. At the end of the day, everything was ready for the production of 4.200 packages with mainly foodstuffs. The purchases for the catering in the coming days were also ready, as was the set-up of the temporary canteen.

Here is the link to photos.

Wednesday 30 March, just adjusting some test runs here and there and organizing some pick-up jobs, it went well.

Thursday 31 March, always a bit exciting, how many people are coming and what can we expect such a day. Despite the cold and even the snowfall, between 90 and 100 people came to participate enthusiastically. The organization was right, the volunteers all helped well and by the end of the day 2.600 packages had been made.

Here the link to pictures

Friday 1 April there were slightly fewer people, we estimate about 70. A Romanian truck came to load with destination Botosani. We had to improvise a bit to get everything right, because of the cold behind closed doors. Well done, at 12 o'clock the truck left for Botosani with 15 pallets of packages (600 boxes), 4 tons of carrots, lots of clothing and some furniture. We got the carrots from the Fa. Hiemstra from Middenmeer, these mostly go to cities in the Ukraine. The last packages left the line at 12:30 pm. The lunch was even more extensive than usual, because of the delicious snacks we got from our neighbours, Hekos.nl. The packers went home after lunch.

                      - Thank you everyone for the cooperation! †

Here is the link to photos.

Over the next two weeks, the packages will go to our depots in Romania from where distribution to people who need it most will take place. Unfortunately, the story is a bit monotonous, but due to the screeching inflation, the limited purchasing power of the people there continues to decline. The people who didn't already have it wide will find themselves in even more trouble. The demand for help is growing rapidly.

At Cristi Botosani, the truck that we had loaded on Friday March 23 in Broek op Langedijk was unloaded there on Tuesday March 28. This truck mainly contained food and that of very good quality. These basic foodstuffs had been obtained through all kinds of food campaigns. The transfer into vans of Romanian organizations bringing it into Ukraine started immediately. It's really unbelievable how many people dare to do these rides, the furthest this time went to Kharkov, a ride of almost 1,000 kilometres (one way). The photos give an impression of how this goes. Cristi said that the influx of refugees has fallen sharply and that few are left behind in the region there, most travel further afield.

Here is the link to photos.

Here the link to Google maps of this route

I received films from Max Veenstra about food distribution there, also from Charkov. If the news reports are correct, there is a good chance that this bizarre war will now flare up there.

Here is the link to photos.

In Breaza they started on Monday with the distribution of the stock there. The depot was full of the cargo that was unloaded on Friday 25 March.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila from Peris sent again a lot of pictures with a thank you explaining that food is so important now. Also a thank you for the bananas that Henk Muller gave after his purchase at a banana ripening plant. Attila's photos show the people well, but unfortunately not of how they live.

Here is the link to photos.

Today I received pictures of the rebuilding of the burned houses in Apalina, it is expected to be finished next week. The people have received help in the form of building materials from various sources, including the municipality. With a lot of self-motivation, the recovery is now almost finished. Toth Attila has put a lot of effort into arranging this(!).

Here is the link to the photos.

On Wednesday March 30, the truck that we had loaded on Friday March 23 arrived in Marghita. So the seed potatoes are at their destination, as are the relief supplies. Attila immediately organized a transport to Reghina in Ticau of the goods we brought and potatoes and vegetables from the farm. I even saw fresh radishes from the greenhouse.

Nice to see how this works.

Here the link to pictures of the unloading at the farm and the transport to Reghina.

Here the link to pictures of Reghina.

Henk Muller remains in action, via the depot in Breaza he has again received the
necessary goods to distribute. Henk stands in the middle of the people who need help. The photos with an explanation give a nice insight into what happens in villages with a large Roma population. In the village of Band, thanks to the efforts of Henk and the local Pastor Marin, a fence is erected around the Roma cemetery. The Promotion Foundation was also able to contribute to this thanks to sponsors.

Here the link to photos, with explanation by Henk.

The intention is to load two trailers next week. The date on which this can be done has not yet been determined, as I wrote before, it is more difficult than a month ago to find a truck for transport to Romania. The hard core of our volunteers has had to roll up their sleeves in recent months. The circumstances make it necessary and all the people we help with it are grateful for it.


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