Weekly update 10/22

The activities of our foundation have gained momentum, the why just grabs you by the throat. I never thought possible what one person can do with his absurd thoughts.

The flow of refugees from Ukraine to Romania has now really started. The expectation is the unimaginable number of 500.000.

Here is the link to an article from the Groene Amsterdammer.

Last time I wrote that Cristi's depot in Botosani has become a real hotspot for aiding these refugees. I have daily contact with him, he has become an important coordinator. Most people want to travel further into Europe, they only stay in the reception centers in the region for a short time. Some food and sleep and then on again, traveling by train is free, so they are overcrowded. The shelters require a lot of food and drink, as well as baby equipment.

The truck that we loaded on Monday in Broek op Langedijk was unloaded in Botosani on Thursday in record time and brought to the shelters with delivery vans.

Some have been brought into the Ukraine with a small truck to the place Mamalyha in the night, another takes it even further to Harcov. The risks these people dare to take are not small. You can hear shots in the background on a few of Cristi's videos I made.

Here the link to pictures, of the loading.

Here the link to photos of Cristi.

The truck that we loaded on Tuesday in Broek op Langedijk was then transferred in the Czech Republic into a Romanian truck and arrived in Marghita on Saturday. Directly there are two vans that bring goods to Reghina in Ticau. Reghina stands with a helper at the border to use first aid to refugees crossing the border in Sighetu Marmației. We were able to make some money available for this.

Here the link to photos of Reghina

We are in consultation with Attila and Paul about the further distribution of the truckload. Via Max Veenstra of the HRIF foundation, a trailer full of duvets will arrive in Marghita from England on Monday. It's great that all of this has been made possible. It's still cold in Romania, it's quite freezing. Just like in Ukraine, that makes it even more difficult for the people there. We will distribute the duvets in a sensible way and ensure that they end up properly.

Here the link to pictures of the loading for Marghita

Here is the link to pictures of the unloading.

Henk Muller sent many photos of his useful work.

The link to photos and explanation series 1

Henk sent so many photos and info I made a second album. You really shouldn't miss it.

The link to series 2 of Henk and Viorel.

Toth Attila has taken in refugees in the orphanage in Peris. The first two (orphan) children now also live there. The placement goes through child protection, I think it's busy there too. He met Cristi, they are in a photo together.

Here is the link to photos.

Elena from Urmenis, got stuff from Breaza to distribute, good job.

Here is the link to photos.

Pieter Nagel from Minis called and sent a series of photos.

Here is the link to photos.

Next week, we will loaded two trucks, both to Botosani. The first truck will arrive on Monday in Broek op Langedijk during the day. We can load him on Tuesday.

It's heartwarming to see all the actions happening here. We have received a huge amount of very good usable goods from people, companies and organizations. Money also comes into the bank account, with which we can help the poor ones. 

The Rabobank Agri team is in contact with their customers, the first results are already there. Five tons of cabbage from HHW North are being prepared. There is more in the pipeline.

The motorcycle club MC Promotion led by Jan Valk has become a collection point in the Zaandam region, with great results.

Piet Dijkstra does not sit still in his home, it has become a collection point, an acquaintance has made cabbage available. He also managed to allow us to set up a collection campaign at Aldi in Noord Scharwoude on Friday and Saturday.

The motivation of the St. Promotion team to roll up their sleeves even more and more often is great.

It is certain that I forgot to mention something during this hectic period, my apologies in advance.


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