Weekly update 7/22

The past week has gone by quickly, a lot has happened, not only here but also in Romania. It started on Sunday evening with a message from Toth Attila. A fire had broken out in the gypsy neighborhood of Apalina near Reghin. A disaster for those involved, below the link to the photos.

Toth Attila is talking to the mayor of Reghin to find a solution for the re-housing of these people. The question from us, how and with what can we help (?), has been put to him.

Here is the link to the photos.

I have now received many photos of Miranda and Gerard-Jan's journey. For example of the projects they visited together with Csaba and Imola from Breaza. I think it turned out to be a journey that made a big impression, the photos already give a good idea of ​​​​it. I expect there will be a lot more talk about it after they get home.

Here is the link to photos.

In the care center in the town of Deda, not far from Reghin, many improvements have been made, partly thanks to the things we have brought there. There is good management there and committed employees, the residents are in good hands with them. Without the support that Csaba and Imola can offer with the stuff we bring there, they wouldn't make it, the director told Imola. The municipality has cut them on their budget, especially now that prices are rising enormously.

Here is the link to pictures of Imola.

At Csaba and Imola it is for the children who live with them what is called a warm home, there is no lack of care, love and attention, the contrast with their home situation is great. The older children like to help in the kitchen, making pizzas in the photo from the bread flour we brought.

Wednesday February 16, the loading in Broek op Langedijk of the Romanian truck (no.7) went well. The destination was Botosani with a stopover at the farm in Marghita where potatoes, onions and carrots were loaded on Friday 18 February. The trailer was unloaded in Botosani on Saturday afternoon 19 February. There are again useful items in between, as a special load we even received a pallet of gingerbread from our neighbor Hekos. That we could have potatoes picked up in Marghita is of course also very nice. They can now use this basic food very well.

Here the link to pictures of the loading.

The pick-up team was the last to arrive on Wednesday after a ride to Hoorn, Den Helder and Egmond. It's great that we can all get this together every week thanks to the efforts of a relatively small group of volunteers.

Cristi from Botosani is busy with the construction, the distribution of relief supplies and making sure that everything goes well with Casa Ioana, his family etc.etc. a real multi-tasker.

Here the link to photos of Cristi.

Henk Muller and Virorel from Deaj also had Miranda and Gerard-Jan visit, except in Deaj they also visited the village of Band. There is also an interesting photo series of this.

Here is the link to photos.

In the village of Getz, near the farm in Marghita, after-school care is running at full speed again. Paul sent a message about it, Attila sent a few pictures of the potato loading.

The link to photos.

The work we all do is still of great importance to many people. After all these years, you wish it were less necessary. Unfortunately, for various reasons this is not the case. For a real solution you end up with politicians in Bucharest and Brussels and that is an impassable road for us. So it is important that we continue to do this meaningful work.

Next Monday a small group will clean up in the shed and we have a tough pick-up job to do, again on Tuesday. On Wednesday we will load for Breaza. Also in this ride the truck makes a stop at the farm in Marghita to load potatoes, carrots and onions. Nice to see that the manager of the farm Attila arranges this so well.


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