Weekly update 8/22

We have had a special week. There were already an exceptionally large number of pick-up jobs for Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, three more trailers were added, really unbelievable.

Getting all this sorted out was quite a challenge, Wednesday 23 February the permanent core of our volunteers worked hard. Jan Valk, the founder of St. Promotion, had immediately made a plan for this. After solving some start-up problems it started well. For last Friday we called on our part-time volunteers and with a total of almost 40 people, after a long day, almost everything had been sorted and repackaged. Great that this worked, many thanks for that.

Here is the link to photos.

During the day more and more messages came to my phone asking about relief supplies and money to help the refugees from the Ukraine. And if possible the people in the country itself. Max Veenstra of the HRIF foundation from Weesp immediately took action and will distribute relief supplies from a storage depot in Poland and also arrange sleeping places for the people who reach Poland.

Here is the link to photos of Max.

Here is the link to his request for help.

Cristi from Botosani is going to help in Siret, the border town with the Ukraine he sent there pictures and a little explanation. The distance Siret Botosani is 60 kilometers, Cristi has friends in Ukraine and the opportunity to offer help. In a later update, he reported on the reopening of a border crossing at Rădăuţi-Prut that had been closed for years. The Prut is a river that forms the border between Romania and Ukraine in the north. Cristi also has contacts there. We will load for him next Thursday. We are going to make agreements with Max Veenstra about aid via Poland.

Here the link to photos of Cristi

Toth Attila would like to receive building materials for the rebuilding of the burned down houses in Apalina. He also sent a request for help on behalf of the refugees.

Here is the link to photos.

Ronald Wolthuis from Phoneo said that a large group of his friends from Ukraine were on their way to Reghin. I didn't know how this ended, but last night Ronald sent a video of what they do. Good to see they even go into the Ukraine and he expresses his joy about the hospitality of the Romanian people for the refugees and the help they offer.

Here is the link to Ronald's video message.

To my surprise, Willem Twijnstra sent a volunteer who regularly does emergency transport with his truck when he has been in the Netherlands for a few months. It concerns friends of his from the Ukraine who have started a depot in Poland to help out from there. Willem is currently an ice road trucker in Canada.

Here the link to the activities of Willem's friends.

Rozanne and Alejandro from Broek op Langedijk have been in Cluj Napoca for some time now, Alejandro can help with a group of youth with a mission. They have received goods for this from our depot in Breaza. They went to Sighetu Marmației.

Here the link to a few photos and his report.

The events in Ukraine are horrific. We would therefore like to respond to the call for help from our people on site and our partners.

The "normal" activities also continue.

Henk Muller sent photos of his work in Deja and the surrounding area.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau sent photos and messages again

Here is the link to photos.

So we load for Cristi on Thursday and if possible Wednesday for Breaza. It seems more difficult than usual to find a truck with a trailer for this.

If someone can get a batch of normal mattresses of 90/200 that would be great, there is a lot of demand for this. We could also buy a batch of new ones here or in Romania. Our options are of course not unlimited.

The costs of an aid transport are rising, mainly due to the rising diesel prices. As a result, the limit of our possibilities is unfortunately approaching sooner.

Right now we don't want to leave our people who are ready to receive the people from the Ukraine empty-handed. Your help is welcome and well served.

Promotion Foundation

North Scharwoude

Iban NL48RABO 0146 7573 78


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