Weekly update 2/22

Wednesday 12 January we loaded the 2nd trailer in 2022, this time with destination Ticau and Botosani. The flow of goods from Romania to the Netherlands has not really started yet, it takes quite a bit of effort to find a truck with trailer for a ride to Romania. This truck arrived later than intended and had already loaded part of the trailer for another destination, leaving 10 m3 less space for our cargo, less costs but not efficient.

Loading went smoothly, at 14:00 driver Vlad left for Romania. Saturday morning January 15 was unloaded in Ticau and on Monday the rest will be unloaded in Botosani.

The link to pictures of loading for Ticau.

The link to pictures of loading for Botosani.

On Wednesday there were also various collection jobs, for example a trailer full of
building materials at BMN in Delft, there is again a lot of useful material in between.

Tuesday 11 January the truck, which we had loaded on 6 January, was unloaded in Breaza. The rest of the week Csaba has been busy taking these to the many sub-distribution points there. Among others to Deaj (Henk Muller and Viorel) and John Fracker from Viile Tecii. Next Monday a part will go to Urmenis and Tóth Attila from Peris will also pick up things.

Here is the link to photos of the unloading.

Imola's blog has two new posts that once again make clear the importance of our activities. Especially the description of the home situation and living conditions in people's homes makes it worth reading.


Henk Muller again sent photos and messages about his work in and around Deaj. Thanks to a sponsor we were able to transfer € 750, - to provide extra food aid. The photos speak for themselves again. That so many people with their children live like this is inhumane.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau was happy again with her new stock. Can she continue to support people who are having a hard time in her environment.

Here is the link to photos.

Four children who live in Casa Ioana have contracted corona, just like a number of relatives of Cristi and Aline.

Cristi also looks after the homeless in Botosani, he sent pictures of men who cannot go to shelters at night.

A friend of Cristi comes from the Galati area and has been given some stuff to hand out there. In the past we have regularly brought relief supplies to Galati and the surrounding area.

Here is the link to photos.

Friday we loaded a trailer full of duvets, sheets, etc. at a laundry in Bolsward. Normally this goes to St. HIRF from Weesp, but their storage was almost completely full.

Saturday Willem Twijnstra came with his fat Scania together with his mother to bring
things from a thrift shop in their hometown Menaldum. Willem will soon return to Canada and will work there for him for the second season as an ice road trucker. An adventurous existence, Willem was able to tell about it nicely.

In the coming week we will be busy, we will be collecting hospital beds at various locations in Amsterdam. It concerns a total of 61 beds, for Monday and Tuesday there are already enough people for this job. Wednesday we will load a trailer with, among other things, hospital beds, these will go to Botosani and from there partly to the Ukraine. We also have plenty of pick-up jobs.


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