Weekly update 43/21

The importance of the work we can do within the possibilities of Foundation Promotie is only increasing.

As I wrote last time, together with former colleagues Nico Groot and Gerrit Beetsma, we made a short visit to Romania and experienced the situation there up close. The poverty in which many people live is widespread and is increasing rather than decreasing. On top of the very serious consequences of the enormous Covid-19 outbreak in Romania, it is difficult to comprehend the miserable situations in which many people end up as a result. Every three minutes someone dies in Romania because of the virus. No one knows how this should continue, the hospitals are totally overloaded and can't handle it by a long way. The vaccination rate is very low and the stories about why people don't get vaccinated are mostly based on fake news and yet the reason for this dangerous choice.

The people who try to convince others to get vaccinated do not have an easy task. Paul the pastor in the church of Getz is doing his best, he even invited a professor from Hungary who could tell a very clear story about this. Most people, however, stuck to their position already taken, sometimes with very serious consequences.

At the farm we had a great time with Attila and his team, it takes a lot of effort to keep the business running during this time, but thanks to their efforts it works well. The products are of good quality, due to the long dry periods there is less yield, but the prices of the products are higher than in previous years. It is very good that we made this visit at this difficult time for everyone.

On Friday we first met the new mayor of Breaza, always good to know each other. All those things that Csaba and Imola do in and around Breaza are important to the people who need help. My impression is that this mayor is of good will and understands the importance of our work and especially that of Csaba and Imola.

Afterwards we went to see Mr. Piu, we didn't get a cup of coffee, he was not in a very good mood. He seems to be doing reasonably well and the house still looks neat. We visited Imola's grandparents who live in the same village on a small farm, five hectares in size, three cows, some pigs and chickens, the family of their son who also lives there can live on it. Always nice to see this and hear the stories.

Because it was Gerrit's birthday, an enormous amount of cake had to be bought. During the weekend, 6 children go from the childcare center of Csaba and Imola to another children's home, together with the permanent residents this is a large group. We all took them away with the cake, party of course. An old people's home will soon open behind this children's home, very special how this came about. I'll come back to this next time.

In Voivodeni we visited a pastor of the local church, via Csaba and Imola he has been receiving goods from the Netherlands for a long time. A special man with his heart in the right place, he is available day and night for his fellow man in need. The church looked beautiful as did the outbuildings for all kinds of activities with children, there was even a plastic sports field. We had to see everything and also visited a gypsy neighbourhood with the well-known dilapidated houses and a few houses that were newly built after a fire. The future residents of this will have to roll up their sleeves and get help from other residents. They receive the building materials with financial support from a group of fire-fighters from Sweden. It was an interesting meeting with someone who is happy with the help we offer him through Csaba and Imola.

At this time of year it is customary to make palinka from the fruit remains. Often there is a local distillery somewhere, the manager of which receives the fruit remains and firewood from the people to make palinka. In return, the manager receives a portion of the proceeds. A very special event, it is not illegal, probably bound by rules.

Here is the link to photos of our trip.

The volunteers in the Netherlands loaded a truck on Wednesday with destination Botosani. It will be unloaded there on Monday. Also collected all kinds of goods.

Here the link to pictures of the loading

Cristi is making progress with his new building, he sent pictures of it just like the distribution of goods.

Here the link to photos of Cristi.

Aurelia baking bread here.
In Deaj, to our dismay, Viorel his wife Aurelia and their daughter Denisa passed away,
today (Sunday) is the funeral of both. The loss is great his wife was his support in everything he does. Losing a child in the same time it is difficult to comprehend.

Other volunteers distributed the distribution of the goods that were unloaded there last Monday, Henk Muller sent photos of it. Just like unloading the truck.

Here is the link to photos

Reghina from Ticau also persisted and sent pictures of her work again.

Here is the link to photos.

The same applies to Toth Attila, also for him these are difficult times, the number of people who get sick and some of whom die is only increasing.

Here is the link to photos

The invitation to help create the packages has been sent and the first registrations have been received.

Next Wednesday we will load a trailer that goes to Breaza.


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