Weekly update 41

It is actually a pity that after all these years that we have been organizing aid transports, we cannot say that it is no longer necessary in a country like Romania. Over the years, there has been increasing prosperity in that country and many people are financially better off than, say, 25 years ago. However, very large groups are still having a hard time and live in very poor conditions. So we will continue to redistribute our wealth for a while.

A truck was unloaded in Breaza on Monday and the distribution started immediately. I wrote earlier that Romanian companies are increasingly giving away their surpluses to charities. Cristi in Botosani sees this happening more and more and can make many people happy with it. Also in Breaza, surpluses from Romanian companies are increasingly arriving, especially dairy products, which are eagerly sought after.

Here is the link to photos.

There is a new post on Imola's blog, this is the link.

Wednesday 13 October a truck was loaded for the 40th time this year, the destination was Marghita and Ticau. There were also plenty of clean-up and pick-up jobs, it's good that there are always enough volunteers to keep this work going.

Here the link to pictures of the loading.

On Friday there was unloading in Marghita where carrots and potatoes were immediately loaded for Reghina. Attila is needed a new phone with a real camera I think.😀

Here is the link to photos of the unloading.

Cristi sent photos of the distribution and delivery of relief supplies and especially of the progress of the new building. Impressive as it looks. From Denmark he gets a lot of financial support from a local church to make this happen. Last Thursday two members of this church came to Broek op Langedijk to bring boxes that will be transported through us to Botosani. Gerard-Jan and Miranda received them, a short but nice meeting.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller arrived back in the Netherlands on Wednesday, he sent some pictures of the banana distribution in Deaj. Also of the relief goods he brought to Broek op Langedijk for further transport to Deaj. Also a pallet of peanut rocks that can be put in the Christmas packages.

Here is the link to photos.

The daughter of Viorel from Deaj came back sick from Germany. Denisa has been admitted to a Tirgu Mures hospital and is in the ICU. Her child was born there by Caesarean section after seven months of pregnancy. The baby in the incubator is doing well, but Denisa's condition is worrying.

Henk has plans to give a hot meal to about 100 people every day during the winter. Unfortunately, it is already clear that meal provision will be desperately needed in Romania next winter. The number of homeless people is also increasing sharply.

Reghina has received a very special license plate on the Opel Combo. The distribution continues there as well, Saturday morning her share was unloaded together with the beautiful batch of potatoes and carrots from the farm. There was immediately action again with handing out, the photos make it clear how these people (re)live. With our help, among other things, Reghina can at least give them some hope.

Here is the link to photos.

Max Veenstra of St. HIRF called last Monday whether it was possible for us to temporarily store 300 hospital beds. Transport company Wim Bos from Weesp would bring them. A solution has been devised and a trailer now brings these beautiful beds twice a day. Together we ensure that these beds will be reused and end up in places where these beds will be very welcome.

There is a lot to do in the coming period, on Monday volunteers will pick up goods with a tractor and trailer in Weesp, Tuesday in Amsterdam, Wednesday in Driel and Enschede. On Wednesday there will be another Romanian trailer for loading, half a trailer for Deaj and the other half for Breaza with mainly beds.

A small group is busy preparing the Christmas package action, which we will organize in week 45. For the people who want to help packing in Broek op Langedijk, the real packing action is on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 November.

For now, the biggest concern is that we have enough articles to make a nice package, but always exciting. We are on the right track and are confident that we will succeed, making 4.200 packages is the goal.

The Covid situation in Romania is serious, there are many new infections, an average of more than 14.000 per day over the last seven days. Neighboring Hungary helps with the admission of patients and provides other support. Special measures such as closing schools, non-essential shops and the catering industry have not yet been taken. On the European corona map, the Netherlands and Romania are both yellow. Travel is therefore possible without serious restrictions, if vaccinated or tested negative.


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