Weekly update 40/21

The original plan was to load two trucks with relief supplies on Wednesday, October 6, ’21. On Monday, however, the request came to load the 1st truck that could already be in Broek op Langedijk on Tuesday morning. Rob's motorcycle and mine were also in this truck. We managed to load the trailer with a small group on Tuesday afternoon, the destination was Botosani.

Here the link to pictures of the loading.

On Friday he arrived in Botosani and unloaded there immediately. Cristi was busy again, because a huge batch of stones also came in for the new building. These are donated by the supplier, a considerable cost saving. Next week a group of masons will arrive, but the insulation is still lacking, not for sale in the area. Perhaps he will succeed in getting a party from Ukraine. Cristi is clearly concerned about the high energy prices, and he wants to have the new building fitted with solar panels. The rise in the prices of foodstuffs in combination with the enormous rise in the price of electricity and gas is causing a great many people problems. The budget for this at Casa Ioana is also running out faster than desirable.

Here is the link to photos.

With the help of people from his church and financial support from a family from Canada, Cristi has been able to help a young widow with small children find a new home.

Here is the link to photos.

The second truck with destination Breaza also arrived in Broek op Langedijk on Tuesday afternoon. We loaded this on Wednesday, it went smoothly and without any problems. The truck with which a team was doing pick-up jobs got a flat tire, Euromaster solved this but you have to wait a while. There were quite a few things to pack and clear away so everyone was having a good time.

Here is the link to photos.

In Marghita Attila is busy on the farm with autumn work, harvesting the soy,
sunflowers and sowing the wheat etc. When the weather is good they continue working on the land until very late. Thanks in particular to the dedication and professionalism of Borsi Attila, the harvest of the main crops is again far above the average in Romania this year. Energy is more expensive, but also fertilizer, which has become 2.5 times more expensive than last year. If corona doesn't cause any problems, I'll go to the farm for a few days on October 26 to speak with Attila, I'm looking forward to it..

After-school care has started again in Getz, this is really important for the children there. The combination of eating and doing homework really takes them further. Besides that, Paul and the team try to give them something extra, such as a clean-up campaign last week.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina from Ticau is still happy with her Opel combo, she will receive the definitive Romanian license plate next Monday. The Emeth Foundation helps her with the purchase of food for the people in her area. This, in combination with the stuff we bring, can really mean something to these often very poor people.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller also sent a nice news the building for after-school care will be used more intensively. The municipality will rent it for a few days a week and start a project to teach adults who are not yet able to read and write. It's great that this is possible and it helps the community there.

Also photos of the now known gypsy quarter in Tirgu Mures.

Here is the link to photos.

On Imola's blog you can read a message about the work of Elena and Nelu from Urmenis. The truck we loaded on Wednesday will arrive in Breaza next Monday.


For more general news about Romania and Dutch companies there, the link below is interesting. The text is also in Romanian language.

Here is the link to this news

Romania and Bulgaria are now unfortunately the worry children in Europe with regard to the number of corona infections. The low vaccination rate seems to be the cause.

The demand for help as we can provide it will only increase with winter approaching. Food, it is there, but the purchasing power of an increasing group of people cannot keep up with the price increases, with all the consequences that entails.

Next Wednesday we will load for Ticau and Marghita.

We will determine the date on which we will make Christmas packages next week and let you know asap. We trust that there are again enough people who want to help with packing. It won't work without it.


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