Weekly update 38/21

As so often the week flew by, Monday there were clean up jobs and we could make preparations for loading the trailer the next day. The car that we were able to purchase for
Reghina from Ticau was brought by Abe. A great car, Sven Wittebrood has checked all technical matters. He came straight from work and still had to be cleaned, this also worked, great car.

Early Tuesday morning 17 September we started loading two motorcycles. A small group is going to make a nice trip through the south of Romania and a part of Bulgaria, I myself belong to this group. The loading of the relief supplies went smoothly and we were also able to load the car for Reghina well and safely. A bit of a special load, but a very nice one.

Here the link to pictures of the loading

In the meantime, many messages came from Romania with thanks regarding. delivering the frozen food. It has become a huge success and we have been able to make a lot of people happy with it. The people who made this special transport possible want to remain anonymous and have asked us, for example, not to distribute photos of it, something we of course respect.

From Cristi we also received photos of distribution actions of the goods he has received for poor people also from Romanian companies.

Here is the link to photos.

Reghina is still dependent on others for transportation so she could do a little less than usual. Her new car arrived at the farm on Thursday, before she can use it, the paperwork has to be arranged. For this, a document must first be sent to her from the Netherlands. The commissioning will therefore take a while, we hope that she will be able to drive in the course of next week.

Here is the link to photos

Henk Muller is back in Romania, his bus is still in the Netherlands, unfortunately the fuel pump has failed. He made the trip without any problems with a VW golf that he could buy for a small amount. If everything goes according to plan we will visit him in Deaj during our motorcycle ride.

Here is the link to photos.

They have been busy handing out the goods in and Marghita, but the after-school care has also
started again. Something we are very happy with, homework support and a meal is extremely important for the children.

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila has a lot of activities and also an after school care, great of course. Next Monday we will meet him personally, we are going to do a fun activity together.

Here is the link to photos.

The motorcycles, the relief supplies and some vegetables and potatoes from the farm arrived in Breaza on Friday morning.

In the meantime, we are offered quite a few things and those left behind have to roll up their sleeves in the coming week. Miranda, Siem and Nico coordinate these activities.

No new weekly report next week, I will leave my Macbook at home this time, I will concentrate on motorcycling.


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