Weekly update 37/21

Monday evening we were home from our walking holiday. This with a rental car from Frankfurt, our Opel Zafira will probably be back next Wednesday. They take it to the Hoogeboom garage for repair, but it is not yet known what is wrong with it.

On Tuesday it was immediately busy with telephone, e-mail and whats-app messages, St. Promotion was fortunately again offered many potential relief goods. On Wednesday September 8, for example, we were able to pick up a trailer full of beautiful relief supplies in Weesp near St. HIRF. In Den Helder a nice batch of clothing, at a store in Broek op Langedijk a batch of carpets, etc.. At St. Manna there was a lot waiting for us and in Egmond a whole batch of clothes at the clothing bank there.

There was still quite a bit of repacking and clearing work in Broek op Langedijk, so we didn't have to get bored.

In Amsterdam, a batch of high-quality frozen food had been waiting for us for a while. Bringing this to Romania during a heat wave there didn't seem wise to us, this is now over. However, it turned out to be difficult to find a freezer trailer for transport, but unexpectedly a phone call came on Thursday that it could be loaded on Friday. We quickly arranged the paperwork and with three people we loaded the freezer trailer on Friday morning. The truck goes to three places in Romania, where the distribution of these high-quality foodstuffs can be properly arranged. No doubt this will make a lot of happy people.

About Reghina from Ticau there is an article on this blog almost every week. I think she spends almost every day helping the people around her. Last Tuesday she wrote that her 2002 Fiat Punto had given up the ghost and that repair was no longer possible. She cannot reach the people she cares about without a car, some villages are 20 km away. Reghina, together with her son, was still able to do a lot. The children were very happy with the backpacks with content, good beautiful school supplies not every child gets there.

Here is the link to photos.

Through our group app I shared the message among our volunteers. Friday I got a response
from Sven Wittebrood, a son of Abe. The garage (Harry Levering Limmen) where he works had traded in a fine Opel Combo that we could take over for purchase price. Fitting within our modest budget and well suited to Reghina's job. After consultation with a number of people, including Reghina, the deal was closed and the car will be transported to Romania on Tuesday. Reghina is more than happy with it. Thanks to a number of sponsors we had built up a reserve pot and we were able to make this financially possible, many thanks for this!!

Here is the link to photos

Cristi has been busy handing out the goods we brought to hospitals. The school furniture also ends up in a good place. Jason, the son of Cristi and Aline, has undergone eye surgery a number of times, luckily after the last operation he can see a lot better.

Cristi also makes herself indispensable by ensuring that trucks come to Broek op Langedijk at the time we want and for the right price. This is not always easy, sometimes there are complications that he solves for us.

Here is the link to photos.

Henk Muller also sent pictures of the things that happen in and around Deaj, soon Henk will go there himself.

Here is the link to photos.

In July Nico, Imola, Csaba and I visited Viorel and his wife in Deaj, we visited the school annex dining hall under construction. At that time there was not enough money to finish it. It is a wonderful project, through our "own" sponsors we were able to make € 3.000,- available for this. Foundation for Development Cooperation, K.O.O.K. from Alkmaar has approved our application for a contribution of    € 3.000,- for this project. Before winter sets in, the building is ready for use and children receive homework assistance, a meal and there are all kinds of other activities. Just like Viorel and Henk and their team members, we are happy that this can be realized. Thank you sponsors!

Here is the link to photos.

Toth Attila sent a few more photos of his work.

Here is the link to photos.

In Marghita Attila is busy with the tillage, harvesting and other work, not always easy but it looks good again.

In Getz, Paul and his team are relaunching the after-school care and homework support. This beautiful project will also continue soon, it seems. The covid measures for schools in Romania are not yet completely clear, difficult for everyone.

Here is the link to photos.

This time we are going to load on Tuesday, the destination is Breaza, it is the intention to also load the Opel Combo for Reghina, whether this will work is not quite sure yet. Probably, however, this will be unloaded during a stopover in Marghita.

There is still a pick-up job at Dorcas in Schagen on Tuesday, there are also pick-up jobs on Wednesday.


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