Weekly update 31/21

First a reminder about our annual BBQ that we will have on Saturday 14 August. We would like to invite all volunteers and sympathizers to this BBQ. Also emphatically those who, due to circumstances, were less able to commit themselves than before. The reception with a snack and a drink is from 4 pm.

This time we can again make use of the hospitality of Geeske and Jaap Ligthart, Nijverheidsweg 4 1751 HG Schagerbrug. in connection with Please indicate the catering by mail info@stichtingpromotie.nl or telephone 0628941795.

Jaap and Geeske will be moving soon, they will continue to live in Schagerbrug, but will leave the Nijverheidsweg after a long period.

On Wednesday 28 July we loaded a truck with destination Botosani, it went smoothly and without problems. The driver was in a hurry At the end of the validity of his corona test, he could start driving at 1 pm. Saturday morning at 7 o'clock the unloading took place in Botosani. In addition, there were quite a few collection jobs, for example building material at BNN in Delft. Lots of sportswear in Enkhuizen, clothes in Schagen and Egmond.

Here is the link to photos.

Here the link to photos of Cristi.

We were also able to help the Amsterdam food bank with a collection and storage job. As a driver, Haye has now made himself indispensable there, but without ever talking about a transfer fee .

Reghina sent many photos of the children's camps she organized looks good nice that this was made possible by her for these children. Gerrit van der Starre sent a newsletter with news.

Here the link to pictures of Reghina.

Here is the link to the newsletter

Toth Attila from Regin/Peris sent pictures of a failed cucumber harvest, the distribution of milk that ends up there via the network of Csaba and Imola from Breaza. Also from a children's camp organized by him. A special man this Toth Attila, and good that it is possible for us to support him with his work.

Here the link to pictures of Toth Attila.

Henk Muller again sent photos with messages from Deaj and the surrounding area. Nice to see
what Viorel and the other people involved there all do. During our visit we were already surprised about the quality of the tomatoes that they are now busy distributing and selling. Amazing that it works so well under these circumstances, he has it right in “his fingers”.

Here is the link to photos of Henk.

It is also holiday time in Romania and in addition it is (too) hot, during the day temperatures sometimes rise to 40 C.

We will not load next Wednesday, the extreme temperatures in Romania must first drop slightly.


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