Weekly update 29/21

I am writing this message from Breaza in the middle of the ten-day journey  

through Romania together with Nico Groot.

During our flight we experienced little trouble or hindrance from the corona measures, we are both fully vaccinated and have proof of this. Nobody asked about the three extra formulas that we had to fill in at home.

We first visited Attila, the manager of the farm in Marghita we could in this

harvest period to see some fine examples of his craftsmanship. The crops were in good shape at harvest time, the rapeseed was ready and successful, the wheat harvest was in full swing and almost ready. A very nice yield of very good quality, very nice to see all.

Life in Romania is slowly going back to normal, however the corona pandemic has "cut in" quite a bit.

In Getz, bread baking in the container is now well underway after a learning process of some time, they know how to produce tasty bread. The construction of the new community house continues steadily, it will take a while before the opening can take place. The hope/expectation is that after-school care can start again after the summer holidays.

We had a few nice days, but there was a transition in temperature during the day, almost 40 degrees and certainly not cold at night.

Friday we drove to Breaza together with Csaba via Ticau to Breaza. At Reghina we had a coffee and they were all very happy with what we do.

Then via a beautiful ferry to Breaza, we also received a warm welcome and they were happy to experience it after such a long break. The two of us now sleep in our old clubhouse, which has been transformed by Csaba into a beautiful comfortable chalet. Sleeping was not very successful the first night because of the heat with a clucking rooster next door at 4am to top it all off. He looks nice but is now in exile with the neighbors.

Saturday we visited Toth Attila in Peris in the new children's home, it is almost ready, as is the more than
extreme paperwork. In Romania they are convinced of the importance that everything has to be right on paper. Attilla can tell fascinatingly about all events on the spot. It is good to know such people in order to understand a little more about the things that happen and the relationship they have with each other. Then we visited the pig project near Glodeni, this is not directly after the village or the Roma community with about 1,000 inhabitants, but a lot further in the middle of beautiful nature he has 8 hectares of land. Getting there is an adventure in itself, the project will immediately touch the hearts of people who want to return to an animal-friendly and natural way of keeping pigs. We were impressed.

Then went to Deaj and had a meeting with Fiorel and his wife, there again a hospitable reception and many stories about how it all goes there. Nice to see and they do a good job, in their shop they have stopped selling alcohol and cigarettes out of religious belief. Good to have met them.

The work in Broek op Langedijk continues, the packaging campaign in Amsterdam has been successful and various goods have been brought in again. Next Tuesday Rob and ? Getting beds in Amsterdam, on Wednesday there will be a large batch at the clothing bank in Egmond and we can also pick up things at Dorcas in Schagen.

Here is the link to photos.

Tomorrow we go to Botosani and Thursday back to the Netherlands. 


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