Weekly update 24/21

On Wednesday 9 June, a trailer was loaded with destination Breaza, this time again everything went smoothly and the truck left after lunch. The truck was unloaded there on Saturday 12 June.

Photos of loading and unloading.

There were also a few pick-up jobs, including collecting beds at Noorderhaven in Julianadorp and clothing in Egmond.

A team of seven people from Austria will come to Botosani on Monday to lend Cristi a hand, including with the new construction at Casa Ioana and the distribution of relief supplies. The basic construction of the last floor will be placed in the coming week. A setback is that, just like here, the prices of building materials are skyrocketing, so the completion of this beautiful project will probably take a little longer.

That's another way to do it.

Inci from Salard sent photos with an explanation of the project in Salard, nice to read.

Domien is busy in Spain with harvest work to provide for the family income.

Here the link

Reghina from Ticau sent photos of the distribution of goods brought by the last transport, this time including vegetables and delicious strawberries (!) from the farm.

Here is the link to photos.

This time Henk Muller sent photos of, among other things, the vegetable and potato project that was set up there by Henk and his team. The Spunta seed potatoes that we brought there are doing very well. Any attempt to become self-sufficient is welcomed. In any case, for a number of people it will be an eye opener that it is possible to fully or partially provide for your livelihood in this way.

Here is the link to photos.

The corona figures are also falling rapidly in Romania, according to Cristi, certain parts are already color coded green.

Next Wednesday we will load for Botosani partly also with construction material. There are still a few pick up jobs.


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