Weekly update 12/21

Tuesday March 16 we could pick up beds again at Hoogduinen in Schoorl. The Hrif Foundation from Weesp collected and stored the beds that were offered to us from Vivium Zorggroep Hogewey in Weesp. These beds will also receive a good re-use,

Cristi's photos give a good impression of the necessity of a good bed. Many healthcare
institutions in Romania still lack an important basic need - a good bed - for their patients. Demand in and around Botosani is high, Cristi, for example, has good contact with the head of child protection in Botosani. The moment he heard that Cristi was handing out beds, she called Cristi and asked why he had not told her this. It turned out that this woman is now also responsible for a number of care centers where there is a lack of everything.

So having beds removed to our waste industry here is not the right choice, making reuse possible in a country like Romania takes time and money, but it is the right choice. If it is too much for us, the HIRF foundation of the Veenstra family is happy to solve this “problem”. They have many good destinations for it in various countries. Transportation costs are the main stumbling block for foundations like ours and HIRF.

Here the link to photos of Cristi.

On Tuesday, a large batch of oliebollen mix arrived in Broek op Langedijk, which we had received from Dr. Oetker. Oliebollen will not be made from it in Romania, but you can also make pancakes with it, for example. The week before, on Friday, we were able to pick up a batch of chocolate spread at Brinkers Zoetwaren from Enschede, great. We cannot make Easter packages this year, we will organize this in the same alternative way as last year's Christmas packages, these types of products come in handy.

On Wednesday March 17 there were pick-up jobs again and a truck was loaded for Breaza. It has become a nice load with stuff for the packages they are going to make, some hospital beds, a lot of clothing, also seed potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, etc., etc. On Saturday at noon he arrived and unloaded. Imola and Csaba were again happy with the beautiful things and can get back to work with handing them out. A small farmer / horticulturist there would like to try out gladiolus cultivation. It is someone who works hard and tries to build something with his limited resources. That appeals to me. Our volunteer Clement knew a good address for this and was able to buy them cheaply for this man.

Here the link to pictures of the loading.

Reghina again sent pictures of her activities, the people around her will be happy with her. Building the houses in Someș Odorhei is almost completed. In collaboration with St. Emeth this has been made possible financially thanks to sponsors. It is a repeat, but these people have helped enormously.

Here the link to photos of Reghina.

Link to the newsletter of St. Emeth.

Toth Attila also sent some pictures of handing out goods, as a predecessor he has unfortunately been busy with funerals again recently, especially of people from the local gypsy community.

Here the link to photos.

In Marghita o.s. the school furniture brought to a school, we still get pictures of the inauguration. Attila is busy with spring work, it is starting to grow again, it is officially spring, but the weather is still not pleasant there either. Wednesday we will load beds for Marghita, there is also a lot of demand there. We also send seed potatoes for the farm there. In the Wieringermeer, a nice “leftover batch” of the Spunta variety was for sale at an affordable price, Attila can use them well, this potato variety is doing well in Romania. As a kind of alternative holiday I would rather plant them myself.

Here the link to photos.

Henk Muller again sent photos of his work in Deaj and the surrounding area, you will never be
surprised when you see all that. Henk is going to distribute the seed potatoes to the people there and tries to make them self-reliant in several ways. He is also involved in horticultural projects, including the cultivation of tomatoes in simple plastic foil greenhouses of no less than 2 x 5.000 m2.

Here the link to photos.

Wednesday we are going to organize a repackaging action in Amsterdam. Load a car in Broek op Langedijk on Wednesday. It is not a novelty that we have to be careful and not let too many people get together.

So do not come unannounced to our storage in Broek op Langedijk and observe the measures.


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