Weekly update 7/21

What we do is great work and we make full use of the opportunities we get. In Romania, we support an extensive network of people who lend a helping hand to people in need at a local level. That this works well is especially valuable now.

In the previous post, I showed pictures taken by Reghina from Ticau, this of an impossible
situation in a village not far from Ticau. Together with the Emeth Foundation from Heiloo, we try to help here too. Plans are in the making, the objective is to at least ensure that the huts are water and windproof and that there is a floor instead of the current mud. A stove is also indispensable. We are certainly not going to postpone it. This is really not possible, we will also wake up the local authorities. The parents are illiterate, the children don't go to school just to add a few things. At the moment it is freezing heavily in Romania, in the Netherlands you come on TV when you go camping in the freezing cold for a night (!). I would rather pay more attention to these kinds of situations.

Reghina wants only one thing and that is to help these people to start with the basic things a dry warm place to live and food.

Here the link with new photos.

Here the link to other photos of Reghina's work.

Henk Muller also sent a whole series of photos, good job what he does. Also photos
someone who travels around with tables and benches on the roof of his car and provides children with a hot meal. The lentils that we sent from Broek op Langedijk are served well.

Here the link to photos.

Cristi from Botosani also sent a lot of photos, always busy. Now also in the freezing cold.

Here the link to photos.

Toth Attila has planted onions in his greenhouses in Peris, I hope it works. Also helped a family with food and furniture.

Here the link to photos

The furniture for the victims of a fire in Viile Tecii is now in place. John Fracker picked them up in Breaza and delivered them. The people have been helped by the municipality to rebuild their house. A background story and photos will follow.

No car was loaded last week, but we were able to collect goods from the Red Cross Hospital in Beverwijk, among others. The bakery has also been prepared.

Here pictures of the bakery with master baker Kees.

Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 February we will pick up hospital beds in Amsterdam.

Next Wednesday, February 17, we will load a container with complete bakery equipment in addition to the regular relief supplies, which will go to the farm in Marghita. The intention is that he will be tested there and the bread will be divided among the many poor people there. If this model works well, it is the intention that more will follow in the future.

Thursday, February 18, we will load a trailer with frozen products that are stored in a cold store in Amsterdam. This one goes to Cristi in Botosani.

The Covid 19 virus has still not been eliminated and we must continue to observe its measures! Please do not come to our store without notice and obey the rules.


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