Weekly update 5 / 21

On Monday we were able to pick up 10 pallets with bake-off rolls at St. HriF, we had to repack them first. Jan and Maarten were therefore early at work in Weesp, Siem picked it up later. He did not come to Broek op Langedijk with half a load during unloading, it turned out that there was much more in it. A.o. cans with beans in tomato sauce, Henk Muller was very happy with them. They were very useful products for our distribution points in Romania.

The Veenstra family is not idle in Weesp, it is always buzzing with activities and ideas, inspiring people who also encourage others to take action. That such a small group of people is able to get so many others in motion and in that way offer a helping hand to many people in need is just great.

Here the link to their facebook page.

The car that we would load for Botosani on Tuesday was already there on Monday, so he had to wait. On Tuesday morning, the truck that we were to load for Henk Muller from Deaj on Wednesday was already there. With a relatively small group, we rolled up our sleeves and loaded both trucks on Tuesday. Very beautiful and useful things, especially the food are now important. I often wrote it cold and hunger is a very annoying combination.

Delicious potatoes from Marghita.
The truck for Botosani has made a stopover at the farm in Marghita there is one part unloaded
with destination Reghina Ticau. This was brought by Ferencz Boros with his small truck along with potatoes. He had to drive a few times but for now this was the best solution. Reghina is completely happy that she can continue with her assistance to the poor. She continues to send photos and messages that she is happy and grateful with what we do. This is mutual, without good and committed people on site, our activities make no sense.

Potatoes and carrots have been loaded into the Botosani truck again, a great collaboration with Mr. Attila from the farm in Marghita. On Friday everything was unloaded in Botsani and some of it went on transport to villages in the area. Cristi also sent a series of thanks again.

Here the link to photos included a thank you letter.

Here the link to photos of Reghina.

In Deaj at Henk Muller everything was unloaded manually and that was a lot. Henk again sent pictures with a short explanation of the many pictures. The distribution is not limited to the village of Deaj and its surroundings, but its radius of action is much larger. This time he also visited Biertan, a village with a rich history and known for its church castle (Weerkerk) which is on the World Heritage List of Unesco. It is a pity that buildings from that time are no longer preserved.

Here the link to info about Biertan.

Henk's photos speak for themselves to the group of people he's concerned about heavy and some extra heavy. Children in Deaj are happy with some old pedal go-karts, they drive back and forth all day.

Here the link to photos.

Here the link to pictures of loading and unloading.

Phoneo also sent pictures of handing out potatoes and other food items, also finding that the need is high.

Here the link to photos.

Pieter Nagel also sent photos of the distribution of goods in and around Minis, where many people also need help.

Here the link to photos.

Toth Attila has received roofing sheets through Breaza to waterproof a shed at his complex in Peris. It's good that we can help someone with ideas and initiatives to realize their goals.

Here the link to photos.

During the construction of the new boarding school by Cristi from Botsani, he receives support from Denmark, it seems that he can continue building here in 2021. BMN building materials from Delft have offered us a truck load full of all kinds of building materials. The intention is that next Tuesday a Romanian truck will load this in Delft and go directly to Botosani. Cristi may not be able to use everything hemself for the new construction, but certainly part of it and that in turn saves money.

Imola made an appeal to bring furniture for people who set their homes on fire. The roof seems to have been temporarily closed again, it is in the village where John Fracker lives, Viile Tecii near Bistrita. Wednesday we will load a truck with destination Peris and Breaza, we will load furniture, clothing and some food. Unfortunately, our stock has shrunk considerably, we hope that this will change. In any case, Imola and John can then help the fire-stricken family with furniture and clothing.

It is good that we can continue with this work under these circumstances, it gives many people in trouble a glimmer of hope.


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