Weekly update 4 / 2021

No trailer was loaded this week, but there were plenty of other activities, especially with collection and sorting.

You can safely say that sometimes-special things arrive in our warehouse, we can now add - sheep cheese - to that. We received this from Jacob Rispen from Morra, Jacob went to Romania a few times as a driver together with Gerrit de Boer. A few years ago, he and his family started raising sheep to make cheese. This all went well, but due to the pandemic the demand for sheep cheese has plummeted and with it the price. This to a level that he would rather give it away to poor people. Jacob once brought a cheese to Csaba and Imola from Breaza, so he knew from experience that people like it in Romania.

Wednesday we were able to pick up a large batch of sheep's cheese from Jacob in Woerden at a cheese factory annex storage. To taste, we cut a cheese, at first questionable faces, but after tasting everyone still liked a piece. I read that it simply tastes delicious and is even healthier than cow's milk cheese.

It gives me a bit of mixed feeling, the people in Romania are undoubtedly happy with it, but the Rispen family is not Unilever and so such a setback is a big thing. So buy a piece of sheep's cheese once, it will surprise you positively. If anyone knows a good sales point in the Netherlands (?), Let us know, Jacob still has enough stock in Woerden to sell. In Broek op Langedijk we have cheese to taste, again it tastes delicious.

Here the link to their website.

The intention was to load a trailer on Friday, but that has been moved to next Tuesday. That truck then goes to Botosani, he makes a stopover in Marghita. There he unloads food and clothing destined for Reghina in Ticau, together with potatoes and carrots it then goes to Ticau by small trucks.

Reghina again sent pictures of what she does and it gives a good idea of what poverty looks

like in a Roma community. It also shows how important people like Reghina are in such a village.

Here the link to the photos.

Next Wednesday another truck will be loaded and it will go to Deaj. Henk's photos and explanations continue to amaze you. This time also from families who have been victims of fire. The safety of stoves and electricity often leaves a lot to be desired. They are, of course, tragedies for these parents and their children.

Here the link to photos.

Toth Attila is happy with his store inventory and immediately put it into use. He continues to distribute.

Here the link to photos.

There is plenty to do in the coming week, we will start picking up jobs on Monday.

We must respect the Covid-19 measures, so do not come to Broek op Langedijk without notice. You stick to the basic rules of keeping your distance and washing your hands.


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