Weekly update 1 / 2021

The first post on our blog in 2021, we hope that many more will follow with mostly good news. We wish everyone a happy and blessed New Year.

In 2020, a piece was posted on this blog every week and therefore provides a nice overview of all activities in that year. We were able to deliver an enormous amount of goods and thus helped a great many people. Thanks to our sponsors, sympathizers, the efforts of our volunteers and the relief workers in Romania, we have been able to realize this. Quite an achievement that we can be a little proud of.

The newspapers and all other media have paid a lot of attention to the consequences of the well-known virus. That is why I will not do that all over again in this blog. I prefer to look ahead, fortunately it looks like we will be able to move more freely in the not too distant future. As I wrote before, the people of our target group in Romania have an extra difficult time. Our on-site relief workers are eager to help and we can do just that with the goods we bring. So we continue to do what we do and use the opportunities we have. It is useful and necessary.

A welcome addition to her mini pension.

The last truck from Broek op Langedijk in 2020 (the 57th) was unloaded the day after Christmas in Breaza and Deaj. Imola sent pictures of it and there is an update on her blog.

Here the link to photos.


Henk Muller also sent photos. 

Here the link to photos.

Toth Attila also sent many pictures.

Here the link to the photos.

Cristi from Botosani has been busy making and delivering packages, more and more people come to him asking for help. Fortunately, he wants to help as many people as possible and it is very pleasant to work together.

Here the link to photos.

Max Veenstra sent a message about a Christmas celebration in Lebanon through lifecenterbeirut.org. This organization receives support from the Netherlands through Max. Using the keywords refugees and / or poverty in Google gives a lot of food for thought.

Here the link to photos.

The next week the intention is to load two cars. The first will go to Pieter Nagel in Minis, who will be at the door on Monday 4 January. There is already a loading crew.

A second goes to Botosani, this freezer trailer receives a load of frozen food. It is not yet known when this will come.

The Covid-19 rules remain in force, we will continue to work in small groups, so do not come to Dulleweg 20 without prior notice.


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